Ship Modelling


  • Research
  • REAL Sailing Ships!
  • Model Kits
  • Riggings
  • Belaying Positions
  • Belaying Scheme Collection

  • Mass Production
  • Seaoramas

    Rigging Types and Patterns:

  • Square Rigging
  • Buntlines
  • Stunsails
  • Lateen Rigging
  • Schooners, Fore-and-Aft Rigging

  • Ship Types and Shapes
  • 800-1200: Viking Ships
  • 1200-1400: Hansa Cogs
  • 1400-1600: Carracks and Caravels
  • 1500-1700: Galleons
  • 1650-1900: Ships of The Line
  • 1650-1900: Frigates
  • 1840-1880: Clippers
  • 1880-1945: Windjammers / Tall Ships
  • Schooners
  • ... more about to come ...

    Swedish Sailing Ships:

  • Götheborg III replica (2005)
  • Wasa (1628)
  • Najaden + Jarramas (1900/1897)

    British Sailing Ships:

  • HMS Royal Sovereign (1637)
  • HMS Prince (1670)

  • Clipper Cutty Sark (1869)

    American Sailing Ships:

  • USS Constitution (1797)
  • USCG Eagle (1936)

    Italian Sailing Ships:

  • Amerigo Vespucci (1931) <

    German Sailing Ships:

  • Preussen (1902)
  • Pamir (1905)

    Japanese Sailing Ships:

  • Nippon Maru (1930)