Japanese Grammar


The Japanese grammar is - very easy :)

Any Western grammar is 100 times more complicated!

The "difficult" is the "different", and Japanese is VERY different from Western languages...


Three grammatic genders (der/die/das)
Articles (der/die/das, ein ...)
4 cases and declination (der/des/dem/den)
Singular and Plural
that makes 8 forms per noun!


Two grammatic genders (den/det)
Articles (den, en ...)
4 cases and declination (den/dess/den/den)
Singular and Plural


No = one grammatic gender(the)
Articles (the, a ...)
4 cases but no declination → (the, of the, to the, the)
Singular and Plural




Japanese Nouns:
genders - non-existent:)
articles - non-existent:)
cases - non-existent:) → Particles as Suffixes
singular/plural - non-existent:) (few exceptions)
that makes 1 form per noun =)
German Sentence:
Subject - Predicate - Object

Main sentence, ← subsentence

Swedish Sentence:
Subject - Predicate - Object

Main sentence, ← subsentence

English Sentence:
Subject - Predicate - Object

Main sentence, ← subsentence

- Japanese Sentence:
(Subject) - Object - Predicate

subsentence →, main sentence

German verbs:
6 tenses

Conjugation (habe/hast/hat/haben/habt/haben)
Indicative & Conjunctive (hat/habe)
that makes 6*2*6*2 = 144 (!!!) forms per verb!
Swedish verbs:
6 tenses

No conjugation (har)
Indicative & Conjunctive (har/hade)
that makes 6*2*1*2 = 24 (!) forms per verb!
English verbs:
6 tenses

Limited conjugation (have/has)
Indicative & Conjunctive (have/had)
that makes 6*2*2*2 = 48 (!) forms per verb!



Japanese verbs:
2 tenses
(Present = Future, 1 Perfect)
conjugation - non-existent:) → Polite phrases
Indicative & Conjunctive - non-existent:)
that makes 2*2 = 4 forms per Verb!
Particles - non-existent:)
Politeness - non-existent:)

30 letters

Particles - non-existent:)
Politeness - non-existent:)

29 letters

Particles - non-existent:)
Politeness - non-existent:)

26 letters



Particles (NO/NI/DE ...)
Politeness (-MASU, DESU)

26 Romaji ロ-マジ - Letters
+ 2 * 50 Kana 仮名 - The Syllables Characters
20.000+++ Kanji 漢字 - The Word Characters

In fact, Japanese get crazy with European grammar!!!

General Problems of Translation from Japanese

Everything that exists only in one language but no other is not translatable, from the strict point of view. You can try to find words similar ...

A good translator must be very familiar with both languages, and no matter how good You can speak a foreign language, a good translator only translates into his mother language, and for the reverse direction, only for some drafts...

The Western languages are so near to each other that they are regarded as a family. Japanese is very far away from them. Many expressions do not have any counterpart in our languages.

The most striking problem in translations is Japanese politeness. It can change the entire sentence, but even in average situations, it changes the verb in a way that is untranslateable to us. It could be compared to a kind of refined aristocratic language that was used in the 17th century at imperial courts, but is still far away...

When I am in Japan, I do not translate. I think and dream Japanese, too.